Hi, I'm Raeven Marie. Aka "Houston". 19. 2/29 Pisces. I live in Nebraska. Cosmetology school student & employed. I have a strong liking for rambling, makeup, puppies, glitter, feathers, high heels, vibrant colors, headbands & accessories, animal print, great fashion, my Droid, starbucks coffee, bright pink lipstick & plenty of other fun-tastic things.
I haven't actually made a twitter. ahha. is it really interesting?
btw, really cute blog. i am now a new follower:D
it's something i do when i'm pretty bored. fun to connect w/ people tho :)
my brother's just a jerk & yelled at me so i would do a post about him, lmao.
Ha ha. That's vute :)
haha thanks xo
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